Our overall goal is to provide financial expertise to support nonprofit organizations and the communities they serve by improving financial literacy, accuracy & reporting
Our firm provides expert level monthly accounting services exclusively to nonprofit organizations that serve communities with missions in a variety of issue areas. We focus on audit readiness and GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) compliance. Monthly minimums do apply.
As specialists in the nonprofit arena, we offer a variety of consulting services exclusively to nonprofit organizations. Some examples of consulting services we offer include:
Our firm performs both financial statement reviews and audits, which require our firm to be independent of your organization (meaning our firm has not performed any duties within the accounting function for the organization).
An audit is the highest level of attest and assurance service a nonprofit can request. The objective of an audit is to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements as a whole are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an auditor’s report that includes our opinion stating that level of assurance.
Assurance on an audit is obtained through risk assessment of your organization, inquiry of management, staff and select board members, coupled with recalculation of accrual schedules and examination of source documentation supporting transactions recorded to the accounting software.
A review is both an attest and an assurance service. It is lesser in scope than an audit. The objective of a review is to obtain limited assurance that there are no material modifications that should be made to the financial statements. In a review, the procedures performed are limited to primarily analytical procedures and inquiries of management.
A compilation is the lowest level of attest service and does not provide any assurance. The objective of a compilation is to assist management in presenting the organization’s financial statements excluding or including disclosures firm’s Independence is not required for a firm to perform a compilation, whereas it is a requirement of both audit and review.
Our firm prepares and e-files the required 990 information return for nonprofit organizations. As an expert in the field of nonprofit accounting we work to ensure that your 990 is completed accurately and tells your story to potential funders.
We prepare 990N, 990EZ and 990 (not 990PF). We work largely with 501C3 public charities nonprofits, but do also prepare forms for 501C4 and 501C6.